Oral health impacts overall health and when you look after your teeth and gums properly, you’re able to keep a happier and healthier mouth and body.
As dental professionals, it’s our duty to care for your oral health and provide you with the right tools and advice to help prevent major dental treatment. Our preventive dentistry services include:
Achieving good oral health is possible when you maintain an oral hygiene routine that includes brushing twice daily, flossing once a day and attending regular check-ups with your dentist.
During your hygiene appointment, your dentist or hygienist will discuss simple ways you can improve your oral hygiene and answer any questions you may have about treatment.
The ADA recommends seeing a dentist every six to nine months for a check-up and oral hygiene maintenance appointment.
Learn MorePeriodontitis is an advanced form of gum disease that’s caused by hardened dental plaque (calculus). When left untreated, the gums around the tooth start to weaken and pull away, leaving room for bacteria to grow and loosening teeth to the point where they fall out.
Gum disease treatment involves deep cleaning the teeth and roots to remove stubborn plaque. While periodontitis can’t be reversed, it can be slowed down when treated early.
Do your gums need some attention? Contact our team for an appointment today.
Learn MoreCustom-fitted sports mouthguards offers the maximum protection and comfort out on the sporting field. At Mount Lawley Dental, we can design your custom mouthguard to match your teams' colours. Ask us about no-gap mouthguards through your private health insurance too.
A custom-made night splint helps protect your teeth and jaws from damage caused by teeth grinding (bruxism) and jaw clenching. It's a special mouthguard that's worn overnight and stops excessive strain on the teeth and jaws that can contribute to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain.
Learn MoreMost of us experience tooth decay at some point in our lives, without even knowing it. That’s why it’s important to attend regular check-ups, so your dentist can treat early signs of decay or gum disease before they become serious.
We identify oral health problems by using one or more diagnostic tools that reveal what can’t be seen with the naked eye. These tools include bitewing radiographs, intraoral scans, 3D CBCT scans and OPG panoramic x-rays. Early signs include:
Do you have any of these symptoms? Call our team on (08) 9227 8777 or book an appointment.
Book NowWe’d like to welcome you to Mount Lawley Dental with our no-gap* new patient offer (valued at $516).
View OfferDaily home care is vital for good oral health. As well as having regular check-ups with a dentist, you and your family should brush your teeth twice a day, floss daily, cut down on sugar and drink plenty of water (especially tap water containing fluoride, as it strengthens teeth).
Preventive dentistry treatments include general check-ups and oral hygiene treatments, mouthguards to help prevent damage, injuries or emergencies and treatments to prevent gum disease.
Preventive dentistry is a proactive approach to dental care. The preventive approach aims to prevent common dental problems before they have a chance to develop and avoiding the need for more invasive and expensive procedures to correct them.